Photographs, reflections, and notes from my learning journey.

  • Night Shooting on Portra 400  with the Olympus OM10

    Night Shooting on Portra 400 with the Olympus OM10

    Armed with tripod and trusty old OM10 I spent a cold evening in the streets around my home shooting long exposures. Portra 400 did well, yielding some nice colours and…

  • Forest walks

    Forest walks

    Back at the tail end of 2017 we were awaiting the arrival of our duaghter and found ourselves, for the first time in many years, without a lot of travel…

  • A rainy November commute

    A rainy November commute

    One reason I love the Olympus m43 cameras, specifically the EM5, is the size. I can carry this camera in my bag every day, and should I feel inspired by…

  • On excessive digital consumption

    On excessive digital consumption

    Many people today are talking about how uncomfortable they feel about their dependence on devices, and more specifically the content they consume via their devices. Whilst this theme is certainly…

  • Sankt Kjelds Plads

    Sankt Kjelds Plads

    Copenhagen is developing a resilient neighbourhood in the north-eastern district of Østerbro. Climate resilience, particularly the challenges associated with heavy rainfall, is combined with a social objective to create valuable…