An Update!

Yes, I’m aware a blog should be updated more regularly than this. Last night the family (Mum, Amy, Georgie and myself) spent the afternoon and evening in London. Very enjoyable indeed! We started in the shadow of the London eye, eating some tasty sandwiches (thanks Amy) and people watching. As usual, Southbank was playing host to an array of street performers, free-runners, breakdancers and tourists, so plenty of food for observation. Then off to the book stalls, where Amy picked up a bargain, and Georgie reflected on her relationship with reading (disfunctional is an understatement). The air seemed to have cleared from a slightly unnecessary barney in the car (sorry Mum), and in good spirits we headed off to the Tate Modern for a little look around. Loved the slide installation and Carsten Höller’s sliding doors in the new aquisitions exhibition. Gourmet Burger Kitchen did the dinner honours, and the ongoing 2006 production of Evita at the Adelphi Theatre was wonderful.

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