Photographs, reflections, and notes from my learning journey.

  • Evening Photo Walk

    Evening Photo Walk

    I was inspired to get out and take some photos in the crisp evening air of Copenhagen in December. Just days away from the winter solstice, it is dark by…

  • The “Shift Left” Approach: A Heuristic Breadth First Search Analogy

    In the realm of technology and software development, the phrase “shift left” has gained significant traction. At its core, the “shift left” approach emphasizes the importance of addressing issues and…

  • Epics: the raw materials for scaled agile

    Epics: the raw materials for scaled agile

    The various scaled agile frameworks make use of some common building blocks which many practitioners will be familiar with. Stories are often the most familiar, as they are the raw…

  • On privacy and contact tracing

    Contact tracing, the process by which health authorities can identify those at risk of infection by virtue of proximity to a known case of a virus, … Link to full…

  • On privacy and contact tracing

    On privacy and contact tracing

    Contact tracing, the process by which health authorities can identify those at risk of infection by virtue of proximity to a known case of a virus, has long been a…