Photographs, reflections, and notes from my learning journey.

  • John Pilger – Martha Gellhorn Prize

    John made mention of this prestigious prize and its deserving winners during the Q&A session after yesterday’s showing of The War on Democracy. “In the spirit of the great…

  • David Fleming – Energy & Anarchy

    7pm, Room 8, Lambeth Town Hall Talk by David Fleming – Energy and Anarchy “The market is not the solution; it is part of the problem”. David proposes an alternative.…

  • John Pilger – The War on Democracy

    John Pilger – The War on Democracy

    A special screening and Q&A session with John Pilger at the Clapham Picturehouse cinema. The War on Democracy was very thought provoking. Pilger covered huge political events from the…

  • Frankie

    Lucy and I have bought a cat! Yep. His name is Frankie, and he’s a jet black moggy. Some heartless people in Frankie’s past left him without home or love,…

  • New hardware – eeepc

    I write sated, after another successful Sunday roast. Itunes is making it’s way through a playlist of Christmas classics, and I feel rather at peace with the world. It has…